Modern Treasury - Elevated Error Rates in us0 – Incident details

Elevated Error Rates in us0

Degraded performance
Started over 1 year agoLasted about 2 hours


Ledgers API

Degraded performance from 9:01 PM to 10:31 PM

  • Resolved

    Starting from 11/27 9:07 PM ledgers api experienced elevated API timeout errors which affected a single customer in cell us000. This issue was caused by outdated statistics of specific tables in the database that resulted in incorrect query plans. By 11/29 1:21 PM, we had updated and fixed the statistics and query plan and service had returned to normal. The issue has been resolved and the service is operating normally.

  • Monitoring

    We implemented a fix and will monitor the results for a few hours.

  • Identified

    We're experiencing an elevated level of API timeout errors for a single customer in one cell and are currently working on a fix to mitigate the database-related issue. We will update in 30 minutes.